Thursday, November 23, 2006

Here Kitty, Kitty


This is a guest post from my sister Missy Land.

Jessica trying to feed my mom and dad's cat Quiller dog food. We are almost all here for Thanksgiving. My brother is having to work today. Be safe, bro.

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Happy Turkey Day

For those of you surfing the net instead of preparing a feast, here is a classic Mr. Bean video revealing the true hazards of cooking turkey. Actually, it also is a great silent treatise on the complexity of properly planning a special meal for family and guests. Wouldn't it be great if we all just agreed that the reason we are getting together is for each other's company, not on outdoing one another with the latest fad recipe? From where I stand, hotdogs with mac&cheese could round out a wonderful thanksgiving. Include a bit of eggnog, some homemade chocolate chip cookies, some football, and wrestling time with my kids, and I would be very content.

Mr Bean-Christmas - video powered by Metacafe

I remember one Thanksgiving in my youth when my mother worked furiously for at least a week to make sure everything was "perfect" for the legion of Lands, McCluskeys, and Chambers who were coming to eat and celebrate the arrival of the Land matriarch, Grandma Matthews. She was sooo tired by the time the dinner arrived, the during the prayer, she feel asleep ever so briefly and her forehead hit the mashed potatoes on her plate.

The moral to this short posting can be one of the following (1) if you are the cook, please don't over do it, simple is better, (2) help out the cooks as much as you can, either by cleaning or chopping; but don't think you are helping by staying out of the kitchen, (3) show your love to the cook (if you are not the cook) with frequent praise, hugs, and kisses, and (4) {in your favorite elderly female NY accent} "Call your mother and tell her you love her".

Oh, yeah, and for all of you children, DO NOT be the Turkey...DO NOT laugh at the mashed potatoes on your mom's forehead!

Deuteronomy 16:14
'and you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter and your male and female servants and the Levite and the stranger and the orphan and the widow who are in your towns.'

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ken-tah-ten: The Land of tomorrow

So this is my preverbial first blog. If you have stumbled across the blog, then welcome.

I have been meaning to start a blog for awhile, but didn't know what to do or what to call it. Today, while looking at state names I came across the meaning of Kentucky. It is derived from an Iroquoian word "Ken-tah-ten" meaning "land of tomorrow." I figured I should quit thinking about it and just start. This is not a blog on Kentucky or about Indians. This blog will be thoughts on issues occurring in my life, especially related to my children, my wife, and me. More later.